Do You Need an Emergency Air Conditioning Repair?

The scorching summer temperatures in Lafayette, LA, necessitate the heavy use of an air conditioner. If your AC system is old or hasn’t received maintenance in a long time, it might struggle to cool your house. Continuing to operate an ineffective and inefficient air conditioner can result in a costly breakdown. Here’s when you should schedule an emergency air conditioning repair to restore your system’s full functionality:

Erratic Cooling Cycles

If your air conditioner turns on and off more than a handful of times per hour, something is wrong with the system. Short-cycling strains your AC system, resulting in higher cooling bills and the need for an emergency air conditioning repair. Ignoring the problem will cause uncomfortable conditions inside your house and costlier AC repairs later.

Unusual Sounds and Smells

Unusual sounds and smells coming from your air conditioner should alert you to a problem that requires AC repair. Screeching, banging, grinding and rattling can signal motor issues, loose parts or worn-out components. Smells like burning or musty odors indicate electrical problems or microbial. Schedule an emergency AC repair immediately.

Excess Moisture Around the AC System

Any signs of excess moisture around the indoor air handler or outdoor condenser are worrisome warnings of trouble. A clogged condensate line and a refrigerant leak are the two most problematic leaks an air conditioner can experience. Scheduling an emergency air conditioning repair is critical to protecting your health and safety.

Complete System Failure

If you’ve returned home from work or vacation and found your AC system is unresponsive, you’ll need an emergency air conditioning repair. Calling a professional will help you rectify this quickly so it doesn’t impact you too long.

Is your air conditioner giving you trouble? Contact Fred’s Plumbing and Air Conditioning to schedule an emergency AC repair. We’re available 24/7 and ready to find and fix whatever is wrong with your air conditioner.

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